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Thank you for your desire to give to the Chicagoland Immigrant Welcome Network. Your gift will allow us to provide practical services, spiritual mentoring, & real community to immigrants & refugees of the Northwest Indiana and South Chicago area
The Welcome Network is a registered 501(c)(3) organization, & all donations are tax-deductible.
We gratefully accept one-time and recurring donations through Paypal (with discounted nonprofit fees), Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), or personal check. Click the button above for Paypal donations & click the button below for instructions on how to donate through personal check.

Please follow the link below to the portal to our PayPal account. If you decide to use this method, we'd invite you to consider slightly raising the amount of your one time or recurring payment to cover the transaction costs.
Electronics Funds Transfer (EFT)
EFT allows you to setup a recurring financial gift between your bank & our bank without any transaction fees. To setup a recurring EFT gift, please download our EFT form, fill it out, & mail it to the address in the directions on the form.
Personal Check Donations
Please make checks out to The Welcome Network (or feel free to use the abbreviation "TWN") and mail the donation to:
Welcome Network Donations
P.O. Box 3393
Munster, IN 46321
To give a recurring or monthly gift through a personal check, you can either add a reminder to your calendar each month or use your online banking to set up a monthly check payment that your bank can send automatically in the mail each month.
Contact us at if you wish to give monthly through EFT withdrawals through your bank.
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